A review by si0bhan
Dark Warrior by Denna Holm


Dark Warrior is a super quick, super fun, read. I’m usually tentative when it comes to stories of this length, yet I adored this one. I really was pulled in, and I would love to see this story result in an amazing series.

In all honesty, I’m not quite sure whether to label this story as science fiction or fantasy. It’s one of those wonderful stories where the line blurs in the most wonderful of ways. We’re given fantasy creatures – vampires and werewolves – yet their existence is due to a science fiction element – another planet. It truly is a wonderful merge of the two. It made for a very interesting story, giving us the kind of wonderful world building that pulls you in deep. I could say so much about this alone; just know it’s a great way to mix the two elements together. Admittedly, I would have liked a little more depth to it, yet I feel as though such a thing will come should future stories be released in this world.

From the start, this story has action. It feels like a bit much as you’re unsure about the world, but once you’re a couple of chapters in everything comes together so well. The confusion is lifted, the characters wiggle into your heart, and the story moves at a rapid pace. It really is a wonderful story – my biggest complaint being that I wished the story were longed. I would have loved to spend even more time in this world, with the characters and their story. I really do hope there is a sequel – if not with these characters, at the very least I hope they make a cameo appearance so that we get a glimpse as to how their life progressed.

If you’re looking for a shapeshifter story with a refreshing twist, one that will pull you into the world and leave you unwilling to put the story down, then Dark Warrior is for you.