A review by ana24gs
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim

adventurous funny hopeful inspiring


I loved this book. From start to finish it kept me trapped and excited, I couldn't stop reading. But I do consider that it could have been much better.

Shiori is what all young leads in books should be. Shiori is not perfect and has very little sense of self conservation, she did not think much about what she did (in my opinion), she put herself in total danger, and made mistakes. But I still liked her because she was charismatic, a free soul, full of energy, funny, brave, super strong, and daring. Being young it is obvious that they will make mistakes that in the eyes of older people will look extremely silly, so you have to compensate with a nice character like her. I admire Shiori a lot because she managed to bear a great weight (I can assure you that I would not have been able to cope with everything that this girl went through). I appreciate her very much and her relationships with all the characters are very beautiful, she made me feel happy. But I think that her relationship with Seryu could have been developed much better.

Speaking of Seryu. I think that at the beginning I liked him a lot more, but little by little he got lost. I like his personality, he is sarcastic, vain, has an air of superiority, but he is funny. Unfortunately, not much of him could be seen in the book. I am sure that in the next one we will learn more about Seryu and that way it will be more difficult for me to decide who is Shiori's end game.

Takkan is a baby. I just adore him, he is so cool, smart, loyal, passionate, romantic, brave, and strong. Quite a beauty, we saw a lot of him in this book and I couldn't help but love him. Simply the way he communicated, behaved with others, how he treated Shiori. 10/10. For now, he is my end game, but I know the next book is going to make me wonder.

Kiki, she was funny, in truth, it's quite a mood.

I liked the relationships in this book. Shiori truly loves her brothers and doesn't want to be separated from them (more than they already are), and throughout the book, we see how strong her love for them is. Her relationship with Seryu left me wanting, but it was cute and fun. Her relationship with Takkan was too beautiful, I really can't believe this is the couple that I want. I think they work well because they are similar, although Shiori is more daring than Takkan, they have the same moral compass and highly appreciate each other. The last relationship I want to talk about is Shiori and Raikama, I can only say wow, I did not expect this kind of complex relationship and I liked reading something like that.

I loved how the food dishes were described, I wanted to eat everything that was mentioned in this book.

I loved the book but the only bad thing I find is that some conflicts were not resolved as I would have liked, I feel that sometimes things happened very quickly and the feeling was lacking. But I can let it go.

I recommend this book to have a good time and feel immersed in a beautiful world with characters you can love. But I consider that it is a book directed more at young people than adults.

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