A review by thelibraryofklee
Across the Risen Sea by Bren MacDibble


"We each do all we can to live low – impact lives. Our electric stove tops are no worse than your water – drawing windmill there. Let’s not lose sight of what really matters here, old friend. Living gentle lives."

I would highly recommend this dystopian text for middle schoolers / intermediate aged children. The water levels have risen, as a result of climate change, and people are now living on islands, in what looks like Australia. We meet a community living a post-apocalyptic life. Life is relatively simple. The sense of community care is strong and "living gentle" lives is the goal. One day, other people turn up, and install technology on the island without query. This sets off a chain of events, for our protagonist Neoma, what will change their lives forever.

This book is all about adventure, having courage, being resilient, showing loyalty, and of course, the irreparable nature of climate change. It subtly dabbles in ideas around colonisation and inequity. This book is a great stepping stone for 9 - 13 year olds into dystopian worlds. Get this in your school library today!

"Swimming is easy for me. This is why it’s me in the water, swimming to save my two friends, and I can’t let them down. Jus’ like Saleesi will swing that big knife for me, or Jag would be taken so far away for me, I can’t let them down."