A review by daffz
For The Win by Cory Doctorow


This book was amazing in so many ways that I'm not sure how to even write this review. It's different from what I usually read in the way it was built up and the subject matter, but I know it's going to be one of my favorite books I read this year.

I'm going to list the things I really liked about this book.

- The sense of unity you got simply from reading. As a reader, you were rooting for the main characters. For every gamer and factory worker and Big Sister Nor. Seeing them all come together and work together was really satisfying.

- The things you learn in between chapters. There is so much information in this book and some of it isn't shown from a character's point of view but is explained to the reader in small chapters in between. This information was always relevant to the story and never boring.

- The games. I felt like the games in this story were very realistic, it's really annoying to read about games in books that don't sound like actual games people would play. It helped that the book didn't shy away from using real names for the gaming companies, it was easy to imagine them being real.

- The characters. This is what did it for me. For a book that has a lot of different characters and different POV's, it's really amazing how likeable and real every single one of them was. You could understand their motivation and they each had a unique background situation. Despite the fact that many of the characters led similar lives and wanted the same thing, they never felt repetitive.

I really, really loved this book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes video games even a little bit.