A review by we_are_all_mad_here26
Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Code by Kathryn Kenny


Modifying my former opinion on this former favorite from the series.

It was still good, nostalgia and all - I still loved the blizzard and the night trapped in the schoolhouse and the cozy little party and the Belden's farmhouse. Unfortunately I really could see the difference here between the Julie Campbell books and the others. Tons of info-dump sentences where characters explain things to each other for the benefit of the reader. "Why, you know as well as I do how much your adopted brother, Jim, and your groom, Regan, love those horses" or whatever. I made that up but there were no shortage of examples and the change from Julie Campbell and this now struck me as glaringly obvious. Sigh.

I guess this means that next I should read another non-favorite and perhaps be pleasantly surprised.