A review by ori_gina_lity
Harvest Poems: 1910-1960 by Mark Van Doren, Carl Sandburg


I picked this small collection of Sandburg’s poetry up at one of my favorite thrift shops this fall. Spanning 40 years, Harvest Poems offers a great introduction to his prolific career. I related to many of the poems solely because of the wonderful depictions of the place I call home - the midwest. Sandburg describes so much movement, his words are like the wind…. constantly changing direction yet on a steady path. From man’s creation of skyscrapers being built up, and torn down, to the thinnest blade of prairie grass; reading these poems felt like a glimpse into a warmly lit house’s kitchen window on a cold, crisp night.
I particularly enjoyed Harvest Moon, Sea Wash, For You, From the Windy City, At the Gates of the Tombs, Phizzog, They Ask: Is God, Too, Lonely?, and Freedom is a Habit, There was a definite presence of togetherness in his poems, meaning in everything, that all are one in this constantly changing world… and I found something really striking about that idea. I’m terrible at articulating the certain kind of joy I get from poems like this, if you take anything away from my review let it be that I had a really nice feeling while reading this collection. I’m also in love with the fact that this edition fits in my winter coat’s pocket perfectly. 4/5 stars.