A review by sade
Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt


"Jupiter. I promise i'll always know where you are"

This book was such a heartbreaking and glorious novel. Short but packed a gut wrenching punch. I loved how this author was able to bring to life the love, despair, hope, budding friendship of Joseph and Jack.
I feel when you read books like this, the hope is that it touches you to be even more consciously kinder to children and generally people around us who are "down on their luck" for lack of a better term.
This was such a beautiful read, and i'm so glad i finally read this book.

With the seriousness of the theme of this book in mind, i'm going to go close off this review with something that has niggled me about how people percieve YA.

There is this rather, as far as i'm concerned, puzzling view that YA cannot have heavy themes or violence cannot or should not be found in YA.
I forget the name of the book but this is an interaction with an author and a reader:

Reader: Is this a YA book? If not what ages is this rated for and why?

Author: Hi there! This is an adult fantasy book, not YA. {name of book redacted} deals with a lot of dark, troubling topics and has a "soft", fade-to-black sex scence. However, if you're into books about war and prophecy, the book will be appropraite for you.

Everything is supposed to be preppy and fun. Bad things are supposed to be glossed over or only happen when Adults are in the picture or to Adults.
I'm personally of the opinion that this view is myopic because i seriously think this idea of "happy, let nothing horrible be seen in the pages of a YA novel" only caters to a certain demographic and or race of people in this world. And please be clear that i'm not talking about gratitous violence just filling the pages of books in this genre.

However much you don't like it, however much you wish Young Adult to be "clean" and free of "dark, troubling topics" , whether it be senseless violence, rape, drugs, poverty or whatever depressing socio economic thing you can think of, you aren't immune to tragedy and bad things just cos you're a certain age.
Adults will try to shield you which is great, but a lot of people do not have that luxury and i think it's time people stop acting like YA is supposed to ONLY be about "the chosen one and finding true love tropes" , that YA cannot tackle these often difficult topics in ways that are sensitive, kind, loving and you know what? where necessary, in unflinchingly raw ways. That this mess that life shifts to us sometimes, cannot be the reality of Young Adults whether it be captured in fantasy or literary fiction.

Anyways, this book is a absolutely great and really one of the best i've read this year.