A review by ameserole
S.T.A.G.S by M.A. Bennett


Woohoo, another physical down... a shit ton more to go.

S.T.A.G.S has been on my radar since the moment I saw it on Goodreads. Which probably doesn't say much because I feel like I'm always 800 steps behind everyone else. However, when I saw this at B&N I didn't even hesitate, I bought it. No regrets.

In this book, you will beet Greer. Now this book definitely gave me To Best the Boys vibes.. but that's cause I read that ARC way before I even dove into this physical book. Again, no regrets but I think I liked the ARC a lot better. Okay, lies, I totally liked the ARC way better.

Well, if you have or haven't read the book mentioned in the above paragraph, aka [b:To Best the Boys|40556417|To Best the Boys|Mary Weber|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1529323897s/40556417.jpg|62982488], you totally should. In this one, Greer gets an invitation to spend a half term at the country manor of Henry de Warlencourt. It was weird that the invitation just said, "huntin' shootin' fishin'" - and yes, I did say that in my head with a country accent. Yeehaw!

So I naturally assumed that this was gonna sort of be like hunger games and people were going to die. I was on the right track, since Henry invited the misfits from his school and they were the ones being hunted. At this point, I was rooting for Henry to win because what kid thinks of all this? A smart evil genius - that's who.

Overall, it was an okay book. The characters were meh to me so I didn't really care what happened to them or not. I'm pretty sure at one point I just wanted them all to die.