A review by imallmadhere
Mama for Owen by Marion Dane Bauer


This was the book selected by my story time counterpart at the main library for today's story time.

The good aspects of this book were the repetitive nature of the story which the kids gravitate toward. The problem this -based on a true story- story created for me was the general dreary town. I tried to read happiness into the story but.....


OWENS MOTHER IS GONE! I swear the kids looked at me like I was the most horrible person in the world when I said that Owen was swept out to sea and then a tsunami wave sent him back to shore alone. One of the mothers actually walked up and cuddled her children because the story was so sad.

Thank goodness Owen makes Mzee's acquaintance which saves things a little bit but at the end of it all a grayish brown or brownish gray turtle is not a replacement for a grayish brown or brownish gray loving hippo mother.

It was like a walt disney story hour, killing off parents in the first few pages...Stay tuned next week we hug porcupines!