A review by iya_elle
Just One...: Just One Day, Just One Year, and Just One Night by Gayle Forman


Absolutely adored the first book because even though what Allyson did was kinda dumb, I enjoyed the self-discovery she went through for that year. I relate to her in so many levels especially in the process of coming to terms with yourself. If you feel like you’ve been living in your own shell, afraid of coming out to discover new places and things, you’ll see yourself while reading this. Maybe that’s why I love the first book. You know the feeling when you see yourself as that person? Where you hate her and rooted for her at the same time? That’s what you’ll feel if you see yourself in her. As she blossomed into that kind of person she wishes to be, it gives you hope that someday, you’ll experience that too. Another thing I adored in this book was the friendships formed along the way as well as mending the broken ones. Favorite character is Dee. Dee, you’re such a queen! I wish I have a friend like you. I love you.

The second book was told in Willem’s point of view. Although it’s refreshing to read about what happened to him after that day, I can’t help but feel that it was forced, uneventful, and boring which is a bummer since I liked him in the first book. There’s still a lot that happened on his side but it still was “meh” for me, hence, the 3 star rating.

Maybe you’ll love this book if you’re a hopeless romantic. Think of Paris and Shakespeare. Ain’t that perfect for one?