A review by molspiration
The Astounding Wolf-Man Volume 4 by Robert Kirkman


60% | C+ | Good

"I'm starting a new journey, Rebecca"

The final showdown between Gary and Zechariah has come, but interferences from the wolves leads to secrets being uncovered and unexpected allegiances being formed

The second I finished reading this, the first thing I could think of was how much it reminded me of watching The Avengers. Both are full of flashy fight scenes which don't convey much depth, yet prove to be mindlessly entertaining nonetheless. The climax is, of course, a fight scene which gives off major 'plot armour' vibes which can be found in a lot of superhero content. The most interesting character, The Elder, gets a little bit more of a backstory here, but it is cut short far too quickly and feels like Kirkman only just scratched the surface of what could have been an extremely compelling character. Also, Chloe is essentially functioning on vampire blood steroids now so...yeah, that's a thing they are continuing with