A review by wtb_michael
The Singing by Stephanie Bishop


Stephanie Bishop's new book [b:The Other Side of the World|25268145|The Other Side of the World|Stephanie Bishop|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1427976313s/25268145.jpg|44835629] blew me away, so I quickly chased up her debut at the library. There's less plot in The Singing, and an even greater focus on unpacking her character's internal life. The book jumps off with a chance meeting between the protagonist and her ex, which spirals into a series of memories and associations, painting a vivid picture of a relationship struggling to its end. Bishop switches her writing up throughout the book - drawing the reader right in with first person narration and then pivoting to a more distant third person perspective - this took me a while to get used to, but was quite effective once I'd settled in. The over-arching metaphor - love as illness - is beautifully wrought and by the end you're completely wrapped up in the story.