A review by crystal_reading
Aimless Love: New and Selected Poems by Billy Collins


Billy Collins has the ability to make me laugh out loud and also to think. One that cracked me up was To My Favorite Seventeen Year Old High School Student. He lists many famous people who had accomplished absolutely amazing things by the age of 14 or 15. He lets this favorite teen know that they are loved just as they are. He says that there will be time for these kinds of accomplishments later in life, "after you come out of your room and begin to blossom or at least pick up all your socks."

He has some that moved me too like Building with Its Face Blown Off. I couldn't help but remember images of Syrian cities that I've seen online when he was reading this one. It was intense when thinking about the thousands of people represented by those empty shells.

Every time I read a poem by Billy Collins, I want to read more of them. This collection just makes me want to run out and grab another by him.