A review by alanaleigh
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! by Mo Willems


I don't care how old you are... if you haven't read Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, you are missing out on a delightful experience. I actually think that adults might get more glee out of this book than kids, as they can see exactly where this is going, despite the absurd premise.
A bus driver is taking a break, but he warns you not to let the pigeon drive the bus. Seems easy enough, right? Well, in enters the pigeon... with all the crafty wiles of your usual kid who will go to any lengths to get his way. He begs, he pleads, he tries to wheedle his way into being able to drive the bus. One of my favorite ploys is, "I tell you what: I'll just steer. My cousin Herb drives a bus almost every day! True story." It's hard not to laugh when the pigeon breaks down into demands, outlined in electric colors.
You have to enjoy a temper tantrum as delivered by a pigeon (complete with feathers flying everywhere) -- and since this was just Mo Willems' first try at a writing/illustrating a children's book, we can all take delight in the fact that this is be the first of many great gems sure to come from Willems's imagination.