A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Reckoning of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin


I totally understand that at times the books are frustrating, confusing and a little over the top when it comes to mad science. I totally understand that some people preferred the semi-happily ever after we got at the end of the first trilogy. I also totally understand that Noah Shaw's head is not the most pleasant I've ever been in.

And yet... These books are incredibly addictive. They're so incredibly easy to read and it only takes a few pages and I'm sucked into the story once more. Even though the book counts 400 pages, I could read it on a normal work day, without much effort. The biggest challenge was taking a break to actually get some work done at the office.

This book clearly is the middle book in another trilogy. The book moves the characters from one point to another, to get them in position for the finale. Along the way we get to know Noah even better, grow more attached to Goose and we learn a lot about the Shaw family history and all the secrets buried there. Even though it's a middle book, it's still entertaining and it never gets boring.

But what makes these books so great is Hodkin's talent to create a wonderful spooky atmosphere, that totally fits the time of the year, and to write emotionally real people. Noah's head is a dark and twisted and scary place at times, but it's that raw emotion, the pure pain, the way he panics, the way he feels about Mara and the choice she made, that kept me reading and reading and reading.

I can't wait for the last book to come out. I can't wait to get back into Noah Shaw's dark head.