A review by ladyfives
Brimstone Angels by Erin M. Evans


"To what end? I have more to lose and nothing to gain. I'm not playing your games, succubus."

She leaned in close, baring her teeth before speaking in barely a hiss. "Then why are your toys all over my board?"

sometimes a family is made up of tiefling twins, a dragonborn, a maybe-runaway-prince, and a devil

I'm so glad I finally got to read this damn elusive book and look at everyone's baby photos. It was especially nice to see Havilar and Farideh being established - while I found the later books easy enough to jump into without previous knowledge, there was some comfort in this intro setting me on solid ground and saying, like, "Havilar is the reckless one. Farideh is the careful one. Havilar is so, so damn immature because she's 17 and childish and so here is all the evidence you'll ever need as to why she's your favourite later on, and more reason for her to be your favourite now."

and to see mehen actually being a dad but struggling with being a dad and i :''')))))) I'm so used to reading the twins in their mid-twenties that seeing them as kids and everyone around them being babies (BRIN) is so nice. It really shows how much subtle and steady development they go through.

and Lorcan's dialogue, of course, continues to be sick as all hell:

In there, that's where they torture devils. Ever hear a nightmare scream for mercy?

that's all, i love my family