A review by wannabekingpin
The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True by Richard Dawkins


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About the Book: With great passion author tells us how magical our reality is. And how unfair it is to call things we don’t understand – supernatural. That sort of implies it cannot be explained and creates a dead end for progress. Instead, he tells us myths that explained earthquakes and rainbows and what they really are. Tells us how we know there are planets out there, and how we found out that Earth isn’t, in fact, flat or at the center of the universe. Author tells us, in short, that the very fact we are here, made out of stardust, is magic itself, even if we know the science behind it.

My Opinion: A very interesting and very engaging book. Went from cover to cover in one sitting and regret nothing. There’s some science, not too much, with author very willingly admitting to the things he doesn’t know, understand, and therefor – cannot explain to us. The rest is just beautiful bunch of pointing in awe, look at this, look at that, do you know what ancient people called this? The only con I have got downgraded at the end. Author seemed to be very condescending towards people with different beliefs. But by the end of the book I realized that it is because he feels like it devalues otherwise a priceless phenomena.