A review by bellatora
Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe


I think I've got a thing for prickly, angry, sarcastic heroines when done right. They aren't sickly sweet or blandly normal or faux action girls like a lot of heroines. They will stand up for themselves, call people on their crap, not follow along with the crowd and, in the end, learn that they can't live on bitterness alone and that eventually they have to open up and let others in.

I liked Cass and I liked that the love interest, Tim, wasn't some White Knight come to rescue her and show her the Joys of Being Social. He was equally broken and it was because he was so broken that Cass had to start looking at herself and realize that she was capable of caring about someone who wasn't dead.

I also liked the side characters, especially the ghosts, Norris, Bitzy and Paige (Cass' sister). I would love to have undead spies getting dirt on my classmates for me.

In a nut shell, I loved, loved, LOVED this book. It rang true and pulled me in completely (one sitting, didn't want to put it down, annoyed when a phone call interrupted me). I really, really hope for a sequel because I think there's still enough story to tell (we don't even know how Norris and Bitzy died!) and I would love to have Cass narrate another book.