A review by lawlesslandofbooks
Bodyguard by Tabatha Kiss


A fast paced, action packed ride. Definite Big Screen Material. (Quick someone call Roxie Roberts for the lead.)

Q: So, Dani (AKA Roxie Roberts-Big Screen Star and America's sweetheart) "Having a near-death experience is... fun."? A: Especially when you share it with your recently returned from the dead stepbrother (AKA the oh so hot and tempting Fox Fitzpatrick). Q: What does that say about your life? A: Maybe that all the fame, money, glitz and glamour in the world doesn't mean anything. Not when all you really want is for the man you love to do oh "so much more to your body than guard it" no matter what your controlling father, adoring public, (or oh yeah the super secret group of deadly assasins hell-bent on killing you both) think or want. Q: But what do you do when the biggest obstacle is that same man? When he's determined to protect you from everything and everyone, including himself? A: Sometimes, a woman has to take matters into her own hands and make him see what you both really deserve. "I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review." said Jo Law (AKA a Tabitha Kiss fan).