A review by dc7
Evolved by N.R. Walker


Evolved was a fun read. I found the premise of the book intriguing - a man disappointed by human relationships buys himself an android as a lover. The characters - even Shaun, the android - were relatable and likeable. Shaun and his 'custodian' Lloyd have great chemistry which is so important in this genre. It's a steaming hot romance! I could barely put the book down and finished it in less than a day. The story is written in a way that is easy to understand and follow. I'm also glad the author made the book a little political too and explored that side of her world.

One of the criticisms I saw in other reviews was that there was too much sex in the first half of the book. I disagree. It was an important part of the story and didn't feel forced or unnecessary.

What I didn't like so much were the logic errors in the book (e.g. if Shaun stands for Synthetic Human Android UNit, then what do Shane and Sheena stand for?) and some of the redundancies. It killed my suspension of disbelieve. The most annoying part was that the climax of the book could have made a lot more sense with a few changes. However, that only mildly detracted from the great reading experience and this is still one of the most enjoyable books I read in 2019.