A review by periodlibrarian
Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties by Camille Pagán


I received a copy of this book for free from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.


What I wanted from this book: A quirky, funny story about a middle-aged woman who suddenly finds herself on her own after nearly 28 years of marriage.

What this book actually was: A not-so-funny story about a really boring woman who takes forever to realize her identity isn’t based solely on being a wife and mother.

I hated the characters in this book. Nearly all of them. Maggie was the worst. She was like an adult version of Chuckie from The Rugrats. But somehow a toddler is more interesting than her.

After Adam decides to leave Maggie, she becomes downright pathetic and desperately wants him back. Maybe it’s because I come from a family of strong women, but that was SO cringe-worthy - if a guy dumped me like that after nearly three decades of marriage, I’d be kicking him out of the house!

Then the idiot decides after a heart attack to take Maggie back.


Are you kidding me? Really?

THANKFULLY Maggie has enough good sense to reject this offer. I gave the rating of this book an extra star for that. The other star is for the writing style, which I liked.

I feel like we didn’t get enough of an ending for some of the characters. Why didn’t we get to say goodbye to Jean? She was the one person I liked! Charlie was okay but bland like Maggie, so I suppose they make a good match.

And what was the point of that random date Maggie went on with the guy her friend set her up with? That contributed NOTHING to the plot. It was unnecessary.

I read Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties. What I’d like it to actually be called is Woman Never Seen Again.