A review by kate2440
The Trouble with Nightingale by Amaleen Ison


I was asked if I wanted to review this book by a review cordinator and it sounded really good so I said yes. I didn't even realize how short the book was until I went to read it.

The cover is a bit simple but I don't mind as I find it rather eye catching and that's all that's needed for the covers. I also like that everything that is only the cover ties in with the actual story.

This is a very short book but it is still action packed and it just goes to show that less is more and some books over pack them. It did start off a bit confusing as it was like we was just thrown into the deep end without explaining the whys and hows but the further I went into it the more things got explained. I loved all the different creatures and they was described so well that I could picture them. Even though I liked that it was short I still wish that it was a longer book as i think if it was it could have easily have been a 5/5 book even an epic book.

I don't think we got a real feel for the characters as there just wasn't enough time to invest in them. Millie seemed like a feisty character and I would have liked to have gotten to know her even more as I think she could have been a very strong character. There was another character that I liked and that was Fabian as he was a funny character but again I felt like we could have done with more time to get to know him even better.

Overall I really enjoyed this book I just wish there was more of it.