A review by sony08
Salvage by Duncan Ralston


When I read the synopsis for the book I wasn’t sure whether I’ll like this book. I get scared by just about anything, even my own shadow, however I still like to read stories with mystery and ghosts and supernatural events in them just for a little excitement.

I certainly wasn’t disappointed. The beginning of the book was slight slower for me than I expected but once the ghost of Lori, Owen’s recently deceased sister, appeared I was hooked.

Owen’s pure love for his sister is beautiful and it’s this love that leads him to Chapel Lake to discover and relive Lori’s last moments alive. He soon finds that Lori was on a mission to discover the childhood Owen has lost.

Owen goes on a journey of revelations about his own family, sinister past and the Mystery that is lurking under the water in the long-ago flooded Church.

When Owen meets ‘Crazy’ Jo and rekindles a long lost friendship, he realises that the only way to truly find out what happened to the religious flock and it’s devious Minister, is to go under the water, face his fears and risk his own life.

This book took me through a variety of emotions and I even shed a few tears. It is well written keeping the reader on their toes at all times.

I have received ARC of this book from Netgalley in return for this honest opinion.
