A review by amandae129
At Home in the World: Reflections on Belonging While Wandering the Globe by Tsh Oxenreider


I'm having a hard time rating this. Once again I am not a blog fan girl, so I read this as a normal person, making my review much different than others on here.

The good: I love that she and her husband took their children on an around-the-world adventure. As a fellow person with severe wanderlust and a parent I enjoy reading about people who continue traveling after they have offspring. She also had some great quotes on travel scattered throughout the book and she quotes other travel memoirs that I will be adding to my to read pile. I also like that she had an epilogue about what they did after they returned.

“Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.”--Pat Conroy

The not-so-good: Her writing is definitely style over substance. She uses a lot of twenty-five cent words, metaphors, and adjectives. She doesn't drink, she slurps . She doesn't just find a hot water bottle, but a gurgling hot water bottle under her sheets. It's also a pretty short book (just over 250 pages) for such a long trip. I would have much preferred a longer book with more information about what they did in each place. I also would have liked to hear from her kids on how they felt throughout this journey and after returning home.

Overall, a recommended read for those with wanderlust, especially if you're a parent or thinking of becoming a parent and want to know how that will change your traveling life, but don't expect more than a brief overview into their year and have your dictionary handy.