A review by ashablue
Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War by Mary Roach


Everything Mary Roach writes is gold. Like her other books, Grunt focuses on aspects of what seems like a simple thing: corpses, going to war, and then reveals them to be these complex, fascinating, incredible things in a way that is instantly approachable and dare I say witty.

Did you know there's a scientist who is very serious about studying sweat? Or that sweat is actually blood plasma moving up to the surface of your skin?
Or how about the development of Shark repellent?
Did you ever wonder what happens if a special ops soldier gets bad diarrhea?
How about the purpose of the blue camo worn by Navy troops when the last thing you want is to be invisible if you fall overboard?

If you are a giant nerd who wants to know everything about everything without being bored out of your mind, then this and any Mary Roach book is for you.