A review by jenrcratsenberg
Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo


4.25 (changed my rating to be more realistic)

For the right sort of person who doesn’t want to let things get in the way of attempting to accomplish their dreams, this book is great. Many repeated lessons we’ve heard before, nothing new per se, BUT it’s with a fresh voice and perspective.

And I know, from personal experience, this book holds true. At any age, circumstance or mental state. . . The problem is sometimes we stay in “victim” for too long and I think society has veered accepting the victim stance as normal, which helps no one and usually differing opinions are not well received.

If you pick up this book, do as she says! Let’s not assume we already know everything, even at 99 there’s something you can still learn within YOURSELF. Try not to play into the “well I can’t because I’m this or I have this, or don’t have this”.

No, not everything she suggests will work for everyone exactly (which she even says herself!), not everyone can avoid looking at their emails, but seriously?! 1.5 hrs of tv daily equates to 68- 8 hr work says a year. SIXTY EIGHT!!
This blew my mind as it’s common that people watch more than that per night.

I’ve literally had people tell me they don’t know how I find time to read when they can hardly finish a book or two a year, yet binge 2 hrs of Netflix regularly.

Marie points out YOU CAN you just choose not to, or won’t. Which is fine if you are willing to admit and accept that, and once you do, you may choose differently. We all do it one way or another.

Which was super trivial example and life is so much more serious than that. Just trust me, if you are considering picking up this book, do so with an open mind and throw excuses to the side.