A review by trike
Off Rock by Kieran Shea


This is a quick action piece, half heist story, half film noir, with all of the extraneous bits cut out so we can get down to the action. It's an action movie in book form, and if you go in with that mindset it's a lot of fun.

It's a bit similar to classic Westerns like High Noon, with the focus on a main guy and his less-than-perfect life colliding with serious criminal badasses, but if Gary Cooper were a ne'er-do-well who lacks motivation until he sees an opportunity to get rich via a small score, bringing him into contact with some truly shady characters.

All of this set against corporate indifference on a mining facility in the far reaches of space. Come to think of it, it's quite a bit like the movie Outlander, which took its inspiration from High Noon. I wouldn't be surprised if Shea watched that film a couple times and decided to put his own spin on it.

Overall it's fast and fun, and he occasionally throws in two-dollar words like "salubrious" just to let you know there's more than meets the eye. :p