A review by bookswithmaddi
Our Stories, Our Voices: 21 YA Authors Get Real about Injustice, Empowerment, and Growing Up Female in America by Amy Reed, Julie Murphy


I want to be careful about what I say about this collection because I don't want to discredit any of the authors who wrote in here. Many of these pieces were intensely beautiful and moving and probably required incredible strength to write.
However, I found a lot of them to be repetitive and surface level. The theories and ideas presented in the book are very entry level feminism and I feel don't really accurately portray a lot of feminist theory. In addition, many of these felt like a reaction to 2016 election, which obviously was very relevant when this came out, but it will date this book.
In my opinion this book was just poorly marketed. I thought the individual intentions of each author were different and so it felt uneven and not cohesive. I feel that reading each of these individually at different points could have been more powerful that reading them back to back.
Overall, the message of this book is obviously very powerful. There are some amazing women in here (although a definite lack of trans women) with amazing stories. I'm not sure exactly who I would recommend it to but I think it's great for entry level intersectional feminism.