A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
A Multitude of Dreams by Mara Rutherford


This book screamed my name. Loudly. I can't even pinpoint exactly why. Firstly I really love the cover. The atmosphere is amazing, the colors are wonderful and I love the expression on the woman's face. On top of that the summary sounded really intriguing. It sounded dark, but with a glimmer of hope. It sounded contemporary, but with a touch of fantasy. I was really curious what kind of story would be waiting for me inside.

What I absolutely loved about this book is that it takes a while before it's showing its true colors. Quite soon we notice that something is terribly wrong, both in the castle and outside of it. It just takes a while before we understand what is truly going on. And since we as readers kinda go through the same emotions as the characters it becomes easier and easier to understand who they are and why they're doing what they're doing.

I also like the contrast in this book. We have our heroine living in the palace. The plague has never reached the palace, there has always been enough food and she has been relatively safe. We have our hero on the outside. He has lost his entire family and has seen what the plague has done with the world and with the people who are left behind. No wonder he believes the royals are spoiled and entitled. So, you can imagine it's a lot of fun when they finally meet.

There are also a few unexpected twists in this book. I don't wanna give too much away, because the not knowing is certainly part of the fun, but I like how the author clearly thought about the science behind everything that's happening. I believe without a doubt that she might have taken some liberties here and there, but in a way it also really felt like everything that had happened, as far as possible, made sense.

I'm now very curious to dive into other books by this author!