A review by ellis_eden
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


Tried to re-read this out of curiosity, thinking maybe it would age well as an example of teen love from another time. My brain blocked out all the nasty bits, kind of how oxytocin makes mothers forget the true horror of childbirth.

Oh my, but it hasn’t aged well. I can’t abide the dialogue. The characters are wooden. And even in the most passionate parts I found myself cringing. I can appreciate the all-consuming nature of teen obsession, and yet this falls flat. Bella and Edward are somehow geriatric and contrived in their romance.

I respect the mysterious and sunless Forks universe as a compelling entity unto itself; the scenery is honestly the most interesting thing about this book. I love Forks, I want to read a story about the town and the epic forest around it, forget most of the supernatural bullshit except as an aside. Let’s have Elizabeth Strout and Cormac McCarthy pen a re-write of this novel. Then we’d have an exceptional character study set in a town of devastating beauty. The wrong people would fall in love and die, and you’d actually cry your damn eyes out instead of throwing the book across the room in irritation.