A review by wheninapril
Brave Enough by Kati Gardner


I got this ARC from netgally in exchange of an honest review. And honestly speaking I requested the ARC, because I fell in love with the cover!! Come on!! Isn't it gorgeous?!!! (**drooling**)  Thanks Netgally and publisher North Star Edition for making my wish come true.

This book follows Cason and Davis. Cason, who is a ballerina and doesn't have any other purpose of her life rather than dancing. Whose life turned upside down when she got diagnosed with Bone Cancer. And Davis, who is a cancer survivor yet got addicted to drugs. The book follows their journey to embracing their new life. For Cason it is, how to live with cancer, how to dream again and for Davis, his new life is struggling with the addiction, to stay sober, to live, to love.

"I was, I don't know . . . lost."

"But you're not, now."

"No" There was a pause as he looked for his words. "I wander sometimes, but I'm not lost."

TBH I didn't like Cason's mom at all, on the other hand I loved Davis's mom. What I liked most about this book is that, normally in YA books the love-interest takes all the focus, while in this book both of their struggles were almost untouched by their love interests. Their love interest supported the story-line, didn't end up being the main/only story-topic.

I loved the way this book dealt with drug addictions, how cancer affects a human mentally, the value of peer support. I loved how there was always help available around the corner, but the simple message that its you who have to decide if you want to take it or not.

And what touched me the most is these simple lines by the author at the end of the book

When I was a teenager and reading every book I could get my hands on, I was desperate for a girl that looked like me. For a girl who had cancer and lived. And it was really hard to come by. So, I wrote one.

Its such an inspirational read, do try it out if you are feeling low or just out of space for a while. I hope it will help you to feel good!