A review by mountie9
Tartok the Ice Beast by Adam Blade


Jake's Review: Mom can I tell you all about this book -- sure baby go ahead. For sake of time, space and well quite frankly way too many spoilers, I will not type out what he said. Basically, I didn't have to read the book because he told me the whole story -- now if he could just remember this much detail when he does his school reading. I love these books mom, you are going to buy me the rest (Yup, I will - since I have purchased the first 5 already. I really am a sucker when he asks for books, I usually do buy what he wants -- but hey I never give in to his whines for candy, slushies and video games) These books are so exciting and Tom is really "sick" (note to parents -- that means he is cool or totally wicked). I love that he is on this beast quest to save his kingdom and help all these beasts. I like that the author doesn't make the beasts too scary, so I won't have nightmares about them. I am going to let Benjamin, Nathanial and Brian read them too -- especially Brian since he normally doesn't like books, I think he will like these ones. Mom -- now it is your time to read it -- no Vampire or kissy kissy books for you today -- you have to read my stuff! I'm going to go read "Epos, the winged flame" now (Next book in the series).

Jake's Rating:12/10

Mom's Review: I have to be honest, I wasn't looking forward to reading this, it looked a little silly. However, I gave Jake the opportunity to pick whatever he wanted for our review this week. So I had to read it, a promise is a promise you know, and I was pleasantly surprised. Anything that gets my son this excited about reading, gets a great review. It is fantastic that there are books like this out there to keep boys interested in reading. This is the age where most boys start to lose their interest in reading so it is very important that we find them stuff that keeps that interest alive. This would be a fantastic read for reluctant readers as it is not too long, has a few pictures and most importantly it has a very exciting storyline. The story is continuously fast paced, so they will not get bored and the main character is a great role model that they can learn from without being too unrealistic. This is the 5th book in the series, but there is enough explanation of what is going on that you can enjoy it without having read the previous books in the series. Although Jake really recommends that you read them in order. I suggest that all school libraries get some copies of this series, I think your reluctant readers will really enjoy.

Mom's Rating: 8.5/10

Here is some background on the series: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beast_Quest