A review by wingsandfables
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson


Back-Story: I heard about this through a YouTube reviewer and immediately I marked it as to-read. I managed to get it transferred to my library and I will definitely be purchasing a copy for myself.

Review: I almost absolutely loved this. I finally after a long line of misses have found a book worthy of loving again. My faith has been restored in books written recently that are not all crap.

Looks- Obviously, that's an easy one. The cover is beautiful and simple. I really like the type that they wrote "Tiger Lily" in by the way, and also I like the almost transparent tiger lily in the background. It's unique looking and definitely something I would picture in Neverland as something even better than what we know of here. It's just a really nice, sleek looking cover.

Content- Honestly, I only have a couple minor qualms with the books. But to start off with, what I did like: nearly everything. I was surprised that the book is written through the eyes of Tinker Bell. Although a lot of reviewers didn't like this, I personally did. I never got confused about who was saying what like some people did for one thing. And I never forgot that Tinker Bell was narrating in a third person point of view like others have complained about. For me, I liked having two more glimpses into Neverland than what I went in expecting. I got to see more of Tiger Lily and more of Tinker Bell. Win-win for me.

I've never read the original "Peter Pan" so I have nothing to compare the accurateness to besides the Disney movie. From my memory, the Disney movie and this book have some differences. The differences honestly didn't bother me. You know how in the Grimm's brothers they write what really happened, gruesome parts and all? Then Disney Disney-fies and then it's kid friendly? I feel like "Tiger Lily" is like that just in reverse. It had more drama and angst in it than the Disney movie ever would have. Like a few reviewers were pointing out that the Peter Pan and the Lost Boys don't fly and that Peter wouldn't have been kissing Tiger Lily nor Wendy at any point, let alone putting his arms around them and such. But I kinda feel like this is the grown-up version of Peter Pan in a way. I feel like this is what the story would've been without all the added magic. There would have been an unsure of himself Peter Pan figuring out what you're supposed to do when you're with someone. There would have been a Tiger Lily trying to decide between her home and her love.

I liked that the writer captured the feel of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys. I liked that what the characters said kept that feel of them being away from all other people and thinking everything in simple terms. In being able to say how they feel and not be afraid of judgment from other people. The fascination they all had with seeing their first girl and with seeing Wendy and their loyalties changing. I love how even in Peter's letter to Tiger Lily that the writer kept his simpleness to his words. Like showing he was still that same Peter deep-down but changed a bit. I like how the writer kept just enough emotion in the book yet kept it simple just like Neverland would be. No overdramaticness. No melodrama. Just simple loss and emotion.

I like how the writer dreamed up Tiger Lily. She's an interesting character and has a bit of Pocahantas-ness to her. I definitely think that the writer did an amazing job expanding on those little bits of what we saw in the Disney movie: Tiger Lily flirting/dancing with Peter, Tiger Lily turning her nose up in pride when the pirates are using her as bait and putting her on that rock. I liked the idea of us seeing the story wrong to start with and that Tinker Bell was originally part of Tiger Lily's life. I just really like the whole concept of the book and of seeing Tiger Lily's story and the girl who captured Peter Pan's heart first. I'm glad someone finally told her story.

The character devlopment was decent. Tiger Lily definitely changed. She learned to open up. She learned to love. She learned that it was okay to be vulnerable sometimes. She learned it was okay to need someone. And she learned to move on.
The other characters didn't develop much. But, I mean, really who needs that in this kind of a book? I don't want to see Peter change and I don't think anyone else does either. It was also interesting to see Wendy as the enemy. Wendy is what took everything away from Tiger Lily.
The plot was a bit slow for me to start with but after the first 50 pages, I couldn't put the book down. The plot nevers lulls. I also love how there's nothing pointless added into the story but that everything mentioned served a purpose.

The few things I didn't like as much were: not as much Peter. I know, I know, this is Tiger Lily's story. But I like Peter. Who doesn't? I didn't like the change in character of Captain Hook. He changed completely. Peter did a bit but not much. I didn't really think that Baby really needed to be in the story. The baby didn't really serve any purpose in the end. I don't remember any major spelling/grammar errors. The biggest thing I didn't like was the ending. I just cannot bring my mind to accept the idea of Peter Pan and the Lost Boys leaving Neverland. It just can't happen. And the implication that Peter married Wendy and they have two children. What is this? Wendy can't marry Peter Pan! She just can't! Peter is supposed to live in Neverland forever and fall in love over and over again with mermaids and other girls and feel an obligation to taking care of the lost boys and wanting to be free forever. Not marrying and living in London and walking around a park when it's freezing outside. I can't say that I didn't see it coming though in this version. I thought the letter was a good way to end it and to show that even though in this version, Peter leaves, he's still the same Peter we all love. Even if he has gray hair...

Likes: The concept. The retaining of the original feel. Peter Pan. Tiger Lily. Seeing a different side to the story. That it is not a let-down spin-off like most are.

Dislikes: The ending. Hook's different personality.

Recommend? Yes! Unless you are a die-hard stick-to-the-classics only type of person. If you are, why are you even looking into this??