A review by judyward
The Lost Mother by Mary McGarry Morris


I HATED this book. Maybe that wasn't strong enough. I really hated this book. Why I finished it is beyond me. What a total downer. Oh no, I'm wrong. The last chapter was redemptive. Only you had to wade through hundreds of pages of total downer to get the 15 pages of everything turns out fine. This book features a runaway mother who ultimately turns her children over to an orphanage, then tries to adopt out the daughter to the wealthy couple who were horrible. Why you ask? Well, there's a creepy relationship between the wealthy mother and her handicapped son--she wants 12 year old Thomas and 8 year Margaret to live in her house as playmates to her son. Then the son tries some creepy behavior toward the 8 year old. Need I go on? Has the whole world gone crazy for these children? I forgot to mention that the wealthy family had their father put into jail. I could go on, but I'm remembering too much of the plot.