A review by greeneyeslovely
Super Fake Love Song by David Yoon


I enjoyed this book though it was pretty predictable and expected. Boy meets girl -> boy lies to girl -> boy gets girl -> boy must keep the lie alive to keep the girl -> girl finds out -> all is woe -> boy serenades girl to win her back -> they all live happily ever after.

The nerdy references were quite fun and offered a unique spin really bringing the characters to life. I loved hearing about the unique things they were making and how they learned to be proud of those amazing things by the end.

I would have really loved to see the relationships Sunny has fleshed out more though. While the author did try to add some depth, it's still superficial. I really feel bad for these kids though as all their parents aren't present in their lives. It's sad. The best was Sunny's relationship with his friends Milo and Jamal. These interactions always felt authentic and really made me smile.