A review by uosdwisrdewoh
The Antifa Super-Soldier Cookbook by Mattie Lubchansky


"What if everything the right thought about the left was real?" reads the tagline to this comic book, but really the reverse could also be true. This fun work actually does a good job sending up both sides of the political divide as it escalates the stakes to an absurd level. Second Lieutenant Max "Marx" undergoes training to be a super soldier for Antifa and faces off against Officer O'Shea of the Big City Police Department about issues like statues of slaveholders and whether right-wing provocateurs should be de-platformed. "Full cancelation. 100% censorship." declares the President of Antifa in a secret meeting. I thought this might be a bit insufferable as many political cartoons are, but Lubchansky keeps it funny throughout while maintaining a sharp satirical edge.