A review by mccorbin
Indigo Nights by Louise Bay


This is my first full story from Louise Bay. I started A Week In New York a while ago and was hooked on it but unfortunately I wasn’t able to finish it so I jumped at the chance to read Indigo Nights. At first assessment, I will say that I felt as if the characters were one-dimensional. Dylan and Beth meet, are attracted to each other, and quickly fall into bed and this experience both rocks their world. So much so that they continue to see each other whenever Beth is in Chicago. It felt like it was just going to be a bunch of one-night stands between them over and over again; like I wouldn’t get to really know the characters but that all changed quickly.

Louise brought these characters to life and gave them more dimensions just by giving them this bright spark between them, wonderful personalities, a dark past that haunts their future, and the ability to play with and eat any dessert. When you read the book you will get the last dessert thing.

We find out that Beth is a recovering alcoholic, has had horrible past relationships, doesn’t trust her judgment, but is a great baker and hopes to start her career as a TV baker. Dylan, on the other hand, is crazy wealthy, teeters in his trust, and has hardly had a relationship that lasted more than one night. These two together really do not sound like they should mix well together but they most assuredly do. Dylan never lies to Beth, which is something that Beth has struggled with in the past. He slowly starts seeing Beth trust him and because of this, Beth starts to blossom and Dylan starts to see who Beth really is. She is not some woman dating him to get his fortune. She is a woman dating him because she is falling in love.

There are also great supporting characters that shine brightly. Beth’s family and Dylan’s friend definitely brought another level to this book by giving these characters some witty comebacks and intriguing personalities.