A review by dajoyofit
Grave Memory by Kalayna Price


Let me just get it out of the way first, I loved it. I enjoyed reading about Alex opening up a PI firm with her sidekicks Rianna and Roy. It was a laid back start seeing her being 'normal' for once. But it doesn't last long, so enjoy the casual laid back start to this one, because once it gets going, you're in for a ride.

Tongues of the Dead's first case involving a suicide kick starts the action, which gradually builds up and about half way through the book, goes into high gear and then super high gear. So you remember the last book when holes in multiple realities start to appear in Nekros? Remember those group of amateur witches who draw on the Aesthetic energy? Ok, will this book is about one of the boogymen who was released into our world by this group of ignorant idiots. It gets pretty intense the farther you get in to the book, till practically the very last end. So fasten your metaphorical seat belts, put the do not disturb sign on your door, silence your cell phones, cause you will not want to put this book down till you find out what happens and if anyone dies.

Aside from the mystery involving a series of suspicious suicides that Alex is investigating, she discovers more life altering information about herself. A new (annoying "over the top" character is introduced and let me just warn you, you will want to scratch her eyes out, and pull her hair. Ok. You were forewarned). The love triangle between Alex, Death, and Falin, well, lets just say it gets HOT, but you're going to have to be patient, because things don't actually start heating up till the second half of the book. What I can safely say is that Falin might just prove to be a dangerous liability/weapon with Alex as the target and though Alex has a phobia of sorts against the L word, her actions to save Death, suggest she just might be capable of making the ultimate sacrifice for that L word.

Enjoy! <3