A review by forg_tful_
The Beast You Are by Paul Tremblay

Did not finish book.
While a lot of these stories have compelling plots, I felt the writing never quite captured any of the characters' discomfort or fear they way I was expecting. The writing lacked emotion and as a result didn't have the same feeling of "wrongness" the character would feel that accompanies this genre. It's difficult to feel a sense of fear when I'm not quite convinced that the characters feel it.

Short stories usually have a different plot structure than a novel so I didn't go in to this series with a skewed expectation. However, often I'd finish a story and it would end so abruptly or at such an awkward place, I would have to go back to skim through it again to make sure I didn't miss something. I was disappointed each time to realize that I was wrong.

There also seemed to also be a lack of a connecting theme across the stories, making it a disjointed read. I was a little confused on why these stories were in a collection together. 

With other books by Tremblay so highly recommended, I was excited for this series. I really tried to finish this book;  I tried reading it in order and then tried skipping around, but I decided to DNF this book when I realized all the stories were lacking the horror element I was look for when I originally picked it up.