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A review by afro75
Revolution by Deborah Wiles


Sonny, Gillete, and Raymond are young people growing up in the segregated town of Greenwood Mississippi. Sonny is dealing with the perils of an absent mother, new step-mother, and her divided loyalties between the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee and her families loyalties to the separate but equal doctrine prevalent in the south. Gillete is a young man searching for his place in a new family, and his strained relationship with his father. Raymond is a young African American boy who is tired of being denied access to the best pools, schools, and movie theaters. Revolution combines the voices of these three young people with the voices from the SNCC members, the KKK, and residents of Greenwood, Mississippi in an engaging read depicting the turbulent times of freedom summer in 1964. This book is a great read for teens or tweens that need a historical fiction title.