A review by samiism
The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Did not finish book.
I was browsing Reddit's /r/books and came across this question: What book was so intense/hardcore (fiction or nonfiction) that you had to put it down and never return to it?

The Road came up a few times. So, being the curious kitty that I am, went for it.

Disappointment was the first emotion that swept through me. The lack of quotation marks for dialogues was confusing. The lack of names was confusing, especially since both characters are male. Which 'he' we talking about??? I can excuse this kind of style if the plot is engaging and one of a kind. The Road is not special, however.

The dialogue is bland as hell. One-word answers, devoid of emotion. It's like listening to an emo goth teen conversing with his equally uninterested dad over a newspaper during breakfast.