A review by capturedinwords
How the Wolf Lost Her Heart by Sarah Brownlee


I was sent a copy of this book from the author for an honest review, and I would like to thank Sarah for the epic journey!

In the year 2012, an experiment was done on 42 people giving them the ability to shift into their spirit animal at will. Some of the subject were hunted down by the government but others survived and passed down their morphing genes to their children. How The Wolf Lost Her Heart is set in a dystopian London in the year 2217 . The city is overrun with thugs and anarchy rules the streets besides that of west London, which is owned and protected by the Renzo family. The story focuses on the protagonist, Skye Archer, a Morpher who's genes were passed down after skipping a few generations. She is not only a wolf at heart but can quite literally transform into a wolf at will, a power she would rather keep on the down-low.

Personally I really like Skye. She's emotional, bold, and hotheaded (I'm guessing having a wolf contained within her may have something to do with some of these) but overall she feels real. Like a living, breathing, imperfect human... errr well despite the fact that she is not entirely human. Often times she jumps to conclusions too fast and can get upset but her reasoning is still understandable and logical.

Raphael Renzo a man of royal blood, is a publically known Morpher with the ability to turn into a tiger. Although rich and famous he bears no snobby tones or prideful arrogance, rather, he is a loyal friend and pure hearted, if not a bit of a flirt. Raphael saves Skye when she is harassed by a group of thugs (well really she didn't need saving, or so she likes to say) which then starts a hesitant friendship between the two. This friendship then blooms into a jumble of confusing emotions as the two sort through their feelings for each other. I loved every confusing bit of it, and truly look forward to reading how their relationship grows in the upcoming sequel novel.

All the characters seemed to be very interesting, and I even enjoyed the dialogue with side characters, most of which are unique and fun. I especially liked reading the parts with the Renzo twins and also Skye's best friend Daphne. There is one thing that bothered me with the dialogue however, well really it was just one word. This is really a minor thing, but I couldn't help noticing the use of the word "erm" being used a bit too often for my taste.

The Pearson family who rule East London and all the thugs serve as the main antagonists of How The Wolf Lost Her Heart. Pearson's son proves himself a good villain with his sadistic psychopath characteristics. In my opinion the thugs, while threatening, should have had some work done to them in order to seem more real. For instance, (again this is just my personal idea) separating the thugs into their own gangs with their own names seems like a missed opportunity, because in reality 'thugs' aren't going to be happy being ruled under one command nor raping and pillaging by themselves. Another antagonist that I cannot forget to mention is the malicious and venomous Sasha. She is basically at Regina George level of bitchy-ness, and definitely could pass as a candidate for the spot of a modern Evil Queen.

The idea behind the whole story is really innovative and was sincerely a breath of fresh air after sifting through plenty of the same old dystopian novels. The way the dystopian setting presents itself is fascinating, although I wished Sarah went into a bit more detail with politics, history, and technology. i must admit, I did like the idea of 'bubble blowing' becoming a new addiction as well as the holographic Tag devices used to communicate. The idea of shifting into an animal has always been interesting to me ever since I was a kid (I still remember the time I convinced my younger step-siblings that I was a werewolf. Oh and of course, Animorphs was probably the one that started my interest in the matter) and I now know that I still find the concept intriguing. I really have not read any books like this, and I'm glad I gave it a read.

How The Wolf Lost Her Heart is a fantastic novel, and positively earns my recommendation. It seems like the sequel is going to be a bit more action packed, and I am so excited to give it my opinion.
- Will be editing review in a couple days once I return from a vacation.