A review by too_hot_books_to_handle
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer


Breaking Dawn:
Author: Stephenie Meyer

The denouement in which everything is revealed.

Will unconditional love conquer or will the shadows of the feared darkness haunt Edward and Bella for centuries?

It is impossible to write a spoiler free review. So i would only share my thoughts and favourite quotes of the entire series.

"That’s the beautiful thing about being human things change.”
Edward Cullen"

I personally think that this novel was way to long. When I reached page 400 it was already clear to me how the story was going to end.

“It sounded like you were having Bella for lunch, and we came to see if you would share.” -Alice Cullen

The powerful Volturi clan who enforce the laws of the vampire world played a huge role in the storyline. I would have liked to discovered more about their pasts. They were great villains overall. I liked how every member has their own dark powers.

"No, i don't adopt people. That's more Aro's thing, or Carlise" Caius

Esme and Carlisle showed that vampire's can be caring and lovely parents without living the typical cliché vampire lifestyle.

"You seem… well informed about the Cullens. More informed than I expected." Bella

I enjoyed reading the Twilight saga. I now understand why this series was such a hype. The storyline is build around a complicated romance that presents two lovers with many challenges but also their loved ones.