A review by eve_prime
Persuasion by Marvin Mudrick, Jane Austen


This book is a bit "deeper" than some of the other Austens - maybe all of them.  Anne Elliot broke off an engagement to the love of her life more than eight years ago, on the advice of the old family friend who'd taken the place of her mother - Frederick Wentworth was too big of a gamble.  Now she's spent years having to fuss over her excessively vain father and her even more needy younger sister, knowing she's missed out on life with Wentworth, who is now rich and successful.  (A naval career was a great path to wealth during the Napoleonic wars.)  Then Wentworth returns to the neighborhood, and they're thrown together in all sorts of situations, but Anne has to behave with propriety - she wouldn't know how to do otherwise - and propriety forbids heartfelt conversations that haven't been invited.  Hints here and there tell her that Wentworth still respects her abilities and integrity, but does he still feel for her as she feels for him?

Unlike Elizabeth Bennett, for example, Anne Elliot has a rich interior life, body awareness, etc.  It's written on a a whole different level from Pride and Prejudice, although the latter is still more of a fun read. The payoff in this one, though - the letter from Wentworth - is huge!  The only quibble I have with this book is that Austen tends to wrap things up by "telling" not "showing," so we don't get to see her ensuing conversation with him, or the conversations that must follow with her mother's friend or the man who's been trying to entice her or her dreadful family.  But, we do have the dramatizations for that.