A review by kime
What Goes Around by Julie Corbin


Things were going really well and I was genuinely enjoying this story until, bam, suddenly I wasn’t. That might sound like a strange thing to say, but it’s exactly what happened. The plot suddenly jumped off in an unexpected direction, and it didn’t make any sense. Characters started acting in contrast to how the author had cast them in the first half of the book, and they started acting in ways that made no sense in terms of the relationships that had been shown to us. I mean the two woman, Ellen and Leila, being the ex-wife and the mistress, were supposed to hate each other, the one embarking on a revenge mission against the other, only to end up “friends” after one meeting and giving each other advice! What happened to a woman scorned? What happened to the revenge aspect? Also, as another example, a specific couple is shown as very happily together in the beginning of the story, totally in love, having regular sex, so much so that another character actually comments on how in love they are…and then suddenly, bam, out of left field the female partner decides that she’s not happy, they’re not good together and she’s leaving and moving away. What? Wait? Where? How did that happen? It made no sense, and it didn’t seem to follow any logical path. It was almost as if the author just needed that to happen to move the plot in a certain direction, and so wham, she made it happen. But it wasn’t what we had been shown in the beginning. And there are a few such examples, and I obviously won’t mention them all as I don’t want to spoil anything, but really, it was just odd. Characters who were destined to despise each other were suddenly apologetic and forgiving and wanting to be friends, and other characters who were mean and nasty, to the extent that there was even animal abuse, drug taking, bad attitudes displayed to others, were suddenly lovely and friendly and accommodating. And the ending also didn’t have me doing much but rolling my eyes. Nope, it didn’t work for me unfortunately. Plenty of great reviews for this one but unfortunately I won’t be one of them.