A review by hakimbriki
Vurt by Jeff Noon


I don't know if the later works of Jeff Noon grant him the status of full-fledged virtuoso, but his debut novel is one mad and insanely thrilling ride. A work of genius.

Set in a dystopian Manchester, this book focuses on Scribble, a drug-addled young man and his search of his sister Desdemona, lost to the "Vurt" universe; a series of shared virtual realities in which the user can feel pain or pleasure. Vurt World is only accessible through the use of different types of colored feathers. Scribble's quest proves more difficult that expected. Along with his gang, the Stash Riders, he encounters bizarre and hostile characters and insurmountable obstacles.

I never wanted Vurt to end. It is one of those books that have the potential to revolutionize a genre and inspire generations of artists. Truly a game-changer.
The bleak and sinister atmosphere of Jeff Noon's Manchester coupled with the humorous, often melancholic and psychotic tone, the exceptional diversity of compelling and original characters and the mind-numbing features of the 'Vurtverse' will never cease to fascinate me. Any fan of Weird fiction/Cyber-punk/Fantasy/sci-fi should thoroughly enjoy this.