A review by myweereads
The Cormorant, Volume 3 by Chuck Wendig


“I’m a certified bad-ass indestructible bitch. The sun tries to burn me, I’ll kick him in his fiery balls. I don’t need no stinking suntan lotion.”

The Cormornat by Chuck Wendig is the continuing story of Miriam Black. We see her transition from a thief into a killer and as all things these come at a price however Miriam isn’t killing for the bad she is doing it to protect the innocent. When her past catches up with her in this book we get to see who the real Miriam is.

There is always a book in a series which focuses on the protagonists background and that’s what The Cormornat is. It’s definitely an important one for the story because we don’t just learn about what brought Miriam to this crossroads but also the implications that come along with it. She can’t outrun her past and that’s exactly what catches up with her in this book.

As with the previous ones the story is fast paced and gripping, there was that consistent feeling of wanting to know what was coming next not just for Miriam but also the mystery behind why some encounters were popping up out of nowhere. The story focuses in on the finer details which are needed to be brought forth for the reader.

It’s a great progressing story, there are more hints as to what’s coming next and as ever I cant wait to find out!!