A review by jarrigy
The Nature of Things by Lucretius


Pretty much all down to Stallings' horrific translation of the text into namby-pamby rhyming tripe filled to the brim with linguistic and literary anachronisms*. I absolutely don't have any kind of qualifications or personal knowledge of the delicate art of rendering Latin into text that is both comprehensible and carries over the spirit /intent of the source work (Michael Arnold's review of this better atriculates the flaws in Stallings' approach better than I ever could). All I can say is that if the quality of the English on the page is so poor in its own right that I am left unable to engage with the philosophical ideas presented by the original author who wrote said work with the explicit intent to persuade his readership of the merit of said ideas(!) then I can only view this specific book as a failure on every conceivable level.

*Pray God tell me why "noggins" is a word used here.