A review by fifiwiththafifteens
The Glass Palace by Amitav Ghosh


This book was one of my summer reads; a book I typically choose because I want to feel like I am in the characters’ whirlwind adventures and growing with the characters, becoming a better, more developed person with them. This book definitely did that for me. Through the many characters and their plot lines, I felt engulfed in their adventures which brought sensations of pain and suffering but never ending joy, too.
Another thing that I genuinely enjoyed about the writing was the historical accuracy - I love a good historical fiction story! And it certainly delves into the misfortune of the pawns of British colonialism.
Though I wanted to love this book, there were a few things that I didn’t love. First, there were just too many plot lines slithering through the book at the end. Honestly, I don’t care about who the first main characters aunt’s cousin ended up marrying! With that, because there were so many unnecessary plot lines and only a limited amount of pages, the end was mostly about tying up all of the strings in the most concise, neglected way. The end just wasn’t as cathartic as I thought it deserved to be because of this so that’s the reason that I feel like this book deserves only 3 stars.
Despite my nitpicky issues with the novel, I did enjoy it. It was unique and an interesting and usually untold perspective which I thoroughly enjoyed!