A review by lostinpaperbacks
Flawless by Elsie Silver, Elsie Silver


OH my jesus cowboy. the main reason I think I enjoyed this is because is because I am a masochist and I like to suffer. and I also just have to know the hype. But this was okay, I didn't love it. I thought Rhett's bedroom talk was CRAZY FIRE SEXY. but there was actually no plot, besides Rhetts bedroom thoughts, and the way that he not to mention there were really no memorable scenes that drove this book apart from other books? like what makes this different from 1010101001 other cowboy romances? the whole 'city' girl idea was also just not working for me. she's a city girl because she wears a black mini skirt?! COME ON. oh and i just hate the whole bull riding thing but that's just my animal activist heart. it just gave me the ick tbh. i hope the next books have a better plot than this one did. however, I would be lying if i said this book did not have me hooked, as I read it within 3 hours.